Hey, are you ready to go ONE MORE ROUND with the Fight C.L.U.B.?

In this installment, we talk about how content marketing works, and why it’s important to you!

Today we’re gonna be talking about “Big” George Foreman. You know him. He sold a few ‘grills’ in his day, but I became a fan of his obviously cause he was the Heavyweight Champ of the World. He fought Muhammad Ali, and he also made a very famous comeback in the early nineties to regain the Heavyweight Championship.

Believe it or not, that episode of George Foreman regaining the Heavyweight Crown is a great illustration of how content marketing works. Let me explain. In that fight, back in 1994, George was fighting a much younger, a much faster, challenger named Michael Moorer.  That fight was going on and on, round after round and Moorer was winning, but George was keeping Mike away with this jab, he was peppered with that jab; he was lulling Mike to sleep with each and every jab all while strategically moving Mike into position. Finally, in the tenth round, he hit Mike with that last jab and then ba-boom with the right hand – knocked him down – game over, “George Foreman’s the Heavyweight Champion of the World,” once again.

What does this mean for your content marketing? So many times when folks start to do content marketing they want to land the knockout punch in the first round, sometimes with the first blow. What they’re trying to do with every post is, ‘Hey, here’s my great shiny new service – come buy from me,” and every post contains that ask for the sale.

You don’t want to deliver that knockout punch right away. You need to have a series of jabs – over a series of minutes, over a series of rounds.  Those jabs are your posts; those jabs are engaging with other people’s content; those jabs are those views that you are collecting; those jabs are those connections you’re collecting. When you accumulate all those jabs and you fight the good fight for eight, nine, ten rounds then you come back with the haymaker; you come back with the knockout punch and you say, “Hey, buy from me,” then BOOM! Just you watch, you’re gonna hit your leads right on the chin and they’re going to pony up.

So go get that jab. Deliver it over a series of eight, nine, ten rounds. Be consistent. Do it over a sustained period of time. Hit ‘em with the knock out punch and GO GET IT!

If you want to learn more about how to make your content marketing work for you, drop me a line.