Now we’re not exactly talking about pestilence, war, famine, and death as mentioned in the Bible. . .

But there are four archetypes that continue to pervade the voiceover “culture” with a constant stream of noise and nonsense like Pied-Pipers of piety.

The Biz Bashers

Anointing themselves as the supreme guardians of the voiceover world, they proclaim that any alternate business model to market and sell the voiceover service other than their own is inherently evil and should be eradicated. You’ll often see the Biz Bashers stirring the pot with snarky blogs or video diatribes, fixating on one boogeyman after the next like VDC or AI.

The Wealth Flaunters

No matter how hard they try, the Wealth Flaunters just can’t help but to shamelessly share how much money they earn or spend. While they believe these tone-deaf, unabashed and classless announcements inspire, they more often breed resentment and an eye-roll of disgust.

The Rate Shamers

Similar to the Biz Bashers, these fine folks believe that voiceover operates in some sort of sacred cosmic vacuum that is not subject to the basic laws of economics present in every other industry on Planet Earth. Anyone that chooses to structure their pricing outside of their stone-etched commandments are met with ridicule and criticism.

The Group Gushers

The Group Gushers are the least harmless of the bunch, yet they have an amazing way of squandering (and devoutly promoting the squandering) of valuable time and resources. They unabashedly profess that all that is holy originates from rubbing shoulders with peers and priests at a big-ticket event. This has gone so far off the rails, that purveyors of this practice now clamor for attention by wooing patrons with lavish ceremonies, gourmet meals and exotic locations.

There’s no doubt that The Four Horsemen are a mesmerizing and seductive bunch. They all have their loyal contingents. Just know there’s a huge world out there for the taking that is not predicated on associating with them.


Corey Dissin

Marketing. Branding. Social Media. Motivation.


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